To undergird the importance and necessity of spreading the concept of MIL, the Media in Libya project recently focused on supporting the right of access information in a free, responsible and safe manner.  This was done by creating a MIL guide “curriculum” in cooperation with a group of specialists to counter misinformation, hate speech and digital bullying.
The curriculum contains the following:
◉ Digital life values
◉ Media messaging techniques
◉ Digital security and digital privacy
◉ How to confront cyberbullying
◉ How to counter hate speech
You can access and download the curriculum (in Arabic) by clicking “Download the curriculum” below↓
Download the curriculum 
The guide is part of an effort to support journalists in Libya towards confronting information disorder within the project of the Deutsche Welle Academy – Media in Libya “Immune against disinformation”, funded by the European Union and the German Foreign Ministry.