Current trends in Fact Checking

Current trends in Fact Checking When it comes to describe the work of fact checking I like the picture of a...


Documentary films and reconciliation in Libya The selected participants of the 3rd part of the documentary film workshop, which the Deutsche...

Media Awareness, to Raise the Efficiency of the Press Narrative

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed imperdiet libero id nisi euismod, sed porta est consectetur. dolor sit...

DWA organized a training for journalists from across Libya and working for different media outlets.

The media professionals were trained over three days on conducting interviews and standing in front of the camera. “I am...

Training Libyan Trainers

Supporting media trainings inside Libya is one of the most important goals of DW Akademie’s Media in Libya-project . Therefore, seven...

Here come Libya’s fact checkers!

As their country is being ravaged by war and division, a group of 16 ambitious Libyan journalists defied the odds...