The media professionals were trained over three days on conducting interviews and standing in front of the camera. “I am very pleased to meet with my colleagues from across Libya. Now we can work together to develop the media in Libya. We have particularly benefited from the camera exercises.;” said Soumaya, a Radio presenter.
The trainers, Janine Stolpe-Krüger and Mabrouka Khdeir were both keen on providing the trainees with important recommendations on how to conduct a successful interview and how to be well  prepared before going on air.

The training, organized by DWA as part of its “Media in Libya” project funded by the European Union, gathered different participants with various backgrounds. This diversity represented a positive factor as experienced radio presenters shared their experience and expertise with their colleagues. “I was afraid to stand before the camera for the first time ever. But now I am able to overcome my fear thanks to my colleagues’ support and encouragement” said Ms. Hajer, Media Studies professor.

Mohamed Elmjibri who is also a trainer at a Libyan Media Training Centre says:  “It was an important experience. We all have made numerous mistakes, but the feedback helped us correct them. Experimenting and seeing oneself on the screen helped us develop our capacities.” The training focused on discussing and understanding the role of the journalist or interviewer, by understanding why the journalist should refrain from expressing his/her own opinion during an Interview. It is the only way to address criticism to the guest or interviewee without engaging in a heated or intense discussion. The trainers also highlighted the importance of ensuring a balanced news report and a clear distinction between facts and opinions.
“That was very useful to me”, added Soumaya. “I am training more on presenting and interviewing.“

“Thank you DWA.“ adds Abdulrahim from Sirte  The selection of the participants and trainers was really successful.”.