Media in Libya

About the project

The project Media in Libya – Immune against disinformation focuses on supporting the Libyan people’s right to access free and accurate information, and the role of free and independent media in promoting Libya’s transformation process. We strongly believe that a well-functioning media sector, quality journalism and well-informed citizens are essential for sustainable political, social and economic development. We include all social groups and place a special emphasis on ethnic minorities, women and young people. 

Photo/Ahmed Buhaiyh    



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What are our goals ?

Our Goals

One of the main goals of the project is the contribution to the stabilization of Libya through a sustainable fight against disinformation’s spread in Libya, to provide Libyans with improved access to independent and accurate information also for young Libyans to be resilient to disinformation and to be able to identify and classify fake news on social media to assure that Libyan fact checking efforts are in line with the international standards, for the Libyan fact-checker scene to ultimately become part of global fact checking initiatives. 

Our Goals