Supporting media trainings inside Libya is one of the most important goals of DW Akademie’s Media in Libya-project . Therefore, seven media professionals from all over Libya met in Tunis for a three day refresh course Train the Trainers.

“It is great to gather again after two years and exchange our experiences”, one of the participants from Tripoli said. All the participants were trained in a former training organized by DW Akademie and the Danish organization IMS. It took place from October 2015 till May 2016. The recent training aimed to refresh and update the trainers’ skills and knowledge.

Although some of the trainers had the chance to get plenty of training experience, they appreciated the opportunity: “It is good to refresh our knowledge and skills”, said one participant from Benghazi. “I had many doubts about my training skills before I came here. But now I feel ready to train”, said a female participant in the feedback round at the end of the training. “I know now that I can do it.” She was the only female participant in this group of seven. Due to culture and the conflict situation, women journalists are often not able to travel to trainings outside Libya.

“We hope to start soon with trainings in Libya. It is a big chance to reach out to media people that cannot be reached and trained otherwise – especially women or journalists in very remote areas. Now we are ready to train them and this will hopefully change the media landscape in Libya for the better”, a journalist from Benghazi said.